IIMM is dedicated to the promotion of the profession of Materials Management, and with its multifarious activities, including EDP, seminars, workshops, in-house training programs and consultancy assignment & Advance Materials Management Programs & Research Programs, with its Headquarters at Mumbai, the National Apex body representing , a wide spectrum of professionals, drawn form public and private sectors through its wide network of 52 branches and 20 chapters spread all over the county and with more than 10000 members, IIMM represents a wide spectrum of professionals engaged in the various facets of Materials Management, responsible for planning, sourcing, control and distribution of materials, Logistics & Supply Chain Management to have more effective global interaction , Institute is a chartered member of International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM), Atlanta (USA) Incorporated in Switzerland, which has its members in over 44 countries.
The association also conducts Certified Purchase Manager (CPM) and Accredited Purchasing Practitioner (APP), courses of National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM), USA.
In furtherance to its objectives, the Institute is conducting a Graduate Diploma Course in Materials Management (GDMM) recognized by Govt. of India for appointment of superior posts and services under the Central Government and also accredited by IFPSM. It also conducts a three-year Post Graduate Diploma Course in Materials Management (PGDMM) by correspondence which is recognized by AICTE. Diploma in Logistics Management a high profile one year distance education program has been launched from July 2000.
The Institute has its Centre for Advanced Management Studies at Mumbai and Centre for Research in Materials Management (CRIMM) at Kolkatta, which are engaged to promote research in Materials Management & also collaborate with industry for furthering the professional advancement of Materials Management & its applications.
The explosion of technology and the emergence of globalization has brought many challenges and opportunities to the organizations looking for competitive edge. The traditional Materials Management system is slowly changing over to the latest concept - Supply Chain Management.
IIMM, through its various training and educational courses is striving to equip the Materials professionals with the latest tools and techniques needed to develop innovative new approaches to Supply Chain Management and excel in an environment of global competition.
In the history of IIMM, 26th Jan. 2003 was a special day when our own building admeasuring 5000 Sq. Ft. situated at plot nos. 102 & 104, Institutional Area, Sector 15, CBD-Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400 614 was inaugurated by our National President Mr. A.S. Navadikar.
This complex is first of its kind in India and have National and International facilities in the field of Education, Research, Advance MM studies, Publications, Networking and Materials Management subjects.
To promote excellence in Supply Chain Management towards national prosperity through sustainable development.
To secure a wider recognition and promote the importance of efficient Supply Chain Management in commercial and industrial undertakings.
To safeguard and elevate the professional status of individuals engaged in the Supply Chain Management faculty.
To constantly impart advanced professional knowledge and thus improve the skill of the person engaged in the Supply Chain Management function.
To propagate and promote among the members strict adherence to IIMM Code of Conduct and Ethics
To consider first the total interest of one’s organization in all transactions without impairing the dignity & responsibility to one’s office.
To buy without prejudice seeking to obtain the maximum ultimate value for each rupee of expenditure.
To subscribe and work for honesty and truth in buying and selling, to denounce all forms and manifestations of commercial bribery and to eschew anti-social practices.
To respect one’s obligations and those of one’s organization consistent with good business practice.